Thursday, March 31, 2011

Past Gifted Projects & Soon To Be Gifted

Day Four: 31st March. Where are they now?
Whatever happened to your __________?
Write about the fate of a past knitting project. Whether it be something that you crocheted or knitted for yourself or to give to another person. An item that lives with you or something which you sent off to charity.

When crocheting a hat and cowl for my mother, I thought she would use it all winter long right....I was wrong. The hat was a bit too big for her head so she really only attempted to wear it once and then the cowl...the cowl went to me! She thought a cowl was too small and when I went to visit her with a cold I took it with me because it soothed my throat and chest on a very cold day. I must say that I use and love the cowl to this day.
  I crocheted the cutest baby hat w/ bear ears for a co-worker but I gave it to her a little too late because the newborn size of the hat was too tight for the baby. I was very disappointed I think I have start making baby things at a bigger size so that the gift actually gets used.
  I am very excited to give my cousin who is having a Summer baby her summer flower granny square baby blanket at her baby shower May 1st. The granny squares are very airy so that the baby blanket can be used throughout the Summer and it’s got different colors like pink, purple, green & cream. I am also crocheting her a “newborn nest” with felting yarn for her baby announcements! So exciting! Of course I will be posting pictures of all of these.  

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